Delivered & stumped within 100km of current location

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About this building
Blueberry is one of those rare authentic timber queenslanders with a traditional layout, high ceilings, timber floors, VJ’s and a large deck with french doors. Having already being moved once before the house has been on solid foundations with a new roof and fresh lick of paint on the exterior. Wiring is updated and even the orignal window hoods have been kept.
This beautiful classic example of a timber queenslander is asbestos free with immaculate fascia’s and gutters. Ready to go now so don’t miss out!
Features include:
- Timber floors, VJ’s
- Asbestos clearance certifcate ready to go
- approved set of engineer approved drawings included
- Immaculate roof, fascia’S and gutters
- 3.1m ceilings
Price includes safely transported to destination within 100km, stumped low set to 900mm. Guaranteed insurance while in transit. NOTE: This home is priced to be relocated as a two piece in Queensland. Please contact our team today to discuss relocation to New South Wales.
More Houses for Sale
BTHR keep a small selection of top quality removal homes for sale. If you are after something special, then get in touch with the team today.
07 5544 2212
Matthew Krahnen
Managing Director
Simone Krahnen
0407 581 036
Colleen Krahnen
0427 273 702

ABN 27 715 302 404 | QBCC Builders Lic. 1199927 | QBCC Building Design Lic. 1199927 | NSW Builders Lic. 266121C